EXIT Realty PEI Cookbook

EXIT Realty PEI Cookbook – #2

By April 14, 2020 No Comments

Karen’s Homemade Bread

We’re back with another recipe from our EXIT family! Everyone is making bread these days, so why shouldn’t you? If you’ve ever tried Karen MacMillan’s famous biscuits, you can almost guarantee her bread is going to be of similar quality.

“My mom had a big family of 14 kids plus workers on the farm. She always made bread – every second day. I can always remember waiting for it to go in the pans as she would give me a piece of dough to fry. It was so good!”

Mix together in a large bowl:
• 13 cups flour
• 4 tsp salt
• 1/4 cup white sugar
• 2 tbsp shortening

Mix together separately:
• 2 tsp yeats
• 1 cup lukewarm water
• Let sit for 15 minutes

Make a well in middle of flour mixture.

Add the yeast mixture plus 7 cups of warm water.

Mix together and put dough on counter.
Knead well until it doesn’t require any more flour.
Cover and rise in pan for a few hours.
Push it down and let it rise again.
Divide and put in loaf pans 2/3 full.
Let rise until it rises over the pan (roughly doubles in size).
Cook at 350f for 40 minutes (possibly longer depending on oven).
