
Listing After COVID-19

By March 31, 2020 No Comments

Tips for preparing your home to list after COVID-19

Many of us are working from home or are at home due to lack of work. The real estate industry has paused to some degree. However, once it starts up again, things will be moving quickly. If you had planned on listing your home, and that has been delayed, we have some advice so you can position yourself to hit the market in full force once things are moving again. Here are some tips on what you can do today to get ready for listing in the future.

What to do while staying home to get your property ready to list:

• Declutter and depersonalize

• Make small repairs (patch holes, replace light bulbs, fix anything broken)

• Paint where necessary – neutral tones are best

• Increase your curb appeal by cleaning up your front yard

• If you are a good photographer and have a good camera, take some photos of rooms when they are clutter free and cleaned

• Organize your closets – take out what you aren’t using and store it away and neatly organize what’s left

• Clean out your kitchen cupboards – same as above

• Organize your basements/garages

• Clean your carpets (if you have the right equipment or can easily access)

• Reach out to real estate agents for a conversation and choose the one right for you

NOTE: We encourage everyone to stay at home and use supplies you may already have on hand. It’s very important that we listen to the health professionals during this uncertain time and do our part to keep ourselves and eveyone else safe.