Take a deep dive into the life of our real estate agents with Up Close & Personal. This week, we’re speaking with Pam Foy!
What are the three most important things in your life?
Danny (my husband) is definitely my number one. He’s my rock. My family would be my second. I’m always thinking of them and am concerned about them. They are in Ontario – my parents, kids and grandkids. My third would be my work. I really enjoy working with my clients and often they become more than just clients – they become friends. Some even become like family to me!

If you had a plane ticket, where would you go?
I would go to Ontario. My stepmom and Dad have some serious health issues and I’d like to spend as much quality time as possible with them while I can.
How do you manage your work and personal life?
It can be difficult because when I’m in a social situation and my phone goes off, I really want to check it to see if it’s something I need to deal with. This summer I found it very hard to put my phone away when I’m socializing. Recently we were in a golf tournament and I was using my phone to take photos, but it kept ringing or beeping, and I wanted to answer it but my husband had to continuously remind me that it was a personal day. Fortunately, he is very good at reminding me to separate work time from personal time as I can become very absorbed in my work. I’ve since taken some advice to put a message on my phone letting people know when I’m not available and when I’ll be returning messages. This takes the stress off and keeps me from thinking people may be upset if I don’t answer.
How do you stay healthy?
I exercise three times a week with a group in Summerside. Also, I’ve started walking every day. It was hard for me to get into the routine of daily walking but now that I’ve started, I really like it!
What was an experience that impacted you most in your life?
When I was 13 and my Mom left, and it was just me and my Dad. He raised me and it was a huge impact on me. Not having a mother is a huge loss but it brought my Dad and I much closer together. I think I’m a much better Mom because I knew what not to do as a mother.

If you have a free day/afternoon how do you normally spend it?
If it’s an afternoon… I have a nap! If it’s a whole day, I like to kayak, play in the yard with our dog, go for a hike or anything else outdoors – in the summer. In the winter, I would hibernate with a good book. I’m not sure how my walking will go in the winter months because I hate the cold!
What’s your favourite holiday and why?
Christmas for sure because I like to decorate, and I like to spoil my kids! Christmas has always been my favourite time of year. I normally decorate the first of December and it goes through right to January 1st. The whole house is decorated – Christmas is everywhere!
What’s your favourite part of the day and why?
I like sunsets. I like to sit on the deck with a cup of tea or a drink and watch the sun go down and think about the day. They are absolutely breathtaking where we live because we are right on the water. It’s a wonderful time to sit and reflect on the day and I always feel blessed thinking about all of that. We have a brand-new deck so it’s even more enjoyable!

Thank you for chatting with us Pam! If you have any real estate questions for Pam, you can get in touch with her by phone at 902-315-1035 or email at pam@exitrealtypei.com. Learn more about Pam and find her listings here.